Your brand story is your secret weapon. Don’t forget to use it.

For mature organizations competing in an evolving industry, acknowledging and celebrating their brand’s beginnings may seem like a risk. But overlooking it—or worse, dismissing it—may limit your brand’s potential.

Every credit union has its own unique origin story. From Depression-era postal workers pooling resources in Chicago to interned Japanese Americans banding together in wartime California, there’s not a single credit union ever established to make money.

Instead, they were formed by people who were overlooked and underserved—and always would be if they didn’t cooperate.

Credit unions were established by superheroes. And like any superhero, the origin story is critical.

Forge your own path

For credit unions looking to thrive and differentiate themselves in a diversified and hyper-competitive market, these brand beginnings are as important today as they ever were—but they're easily overlooked.

Perhaps because for financial services in particular, the marketing playbook tells us to focus on commodities. Products. Rates. Widgets.

But that’s not what drove a credit union to success in the first place. It’s not how its brand was established, or what compelled the first non-founding members to join. And it’s certainly not what separates it from the bank down the street or the neobank on a GenZers phone.

Have faith in your origin story. Invest in it.

How stories define us

Like books on a shelf, there are some tales more engrossing than others, but these credit union stories resonate and remain regardless not because they’re the best story ever told (often, far from it) but because, for good or bad, it gives people—employees, members, the broader community—a feel for that credit union.

It’s a glimpse of the authentic organization. The fundamental mission, vision and values that binds every employee to the members they serve.

That’s because our stories foster our relationships—people are programmed to respond to them. Stories are alive, we plant them and let them grow, each listener taking away something different, filling in the gaps and making it their own. Some might go on to tell it themselves, adding their spin.

And as stories evolve with each retelling, deeper, broader connections and associations are formed.

Something to nurture

An organization’s brand is a living, breathing entity. Much more than a color palette or font family, it’s how an organization presents itself to the world. How it influences others, how it leaves people feeling. In short, it’s the manifestation of mission—and for credit unions, that has to be anchored in their origin.

So when it seems all too easy to focus on commodities; when deposits are down, loans are low, and it seems nothing is working, just remember: There’s a superhero sitting dormant, just waiting to be put to use.

Discover how Mission Brands Consulting can help infuse and elevate your brand story.


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